Monday, May 31, 2010

Natural Health Courses - NOW POSTED!

To all of the Natural Healers that have been waiting for our first Natural Health Course - "An Intro to Herbs", Wait No Longer.....

Lesson One has been posted on the Higher Healing Herbal Institute's Network. 

   Click Here -Higher Healing Herbal Institute

This is a four (4) week course that covers herbs and their healing properties from a Torah perspective. You will learn what the scriptures have to say about herbs and herbal therapies. In addition there is a Herbal Properties lesson that teaches you the properties of herbs and their actions. Higher Healing Herbal Institute offers this course for FREE to those that want to enhance their families health and well being and come to an understanding of YAHUAH'S Way for Wholistic Healing.

Course Outline

Lesson 1 - Intro to Herbs 101 - Why Herbs? A look into the Ancient art of the Apothecary

Lesson 2 - Classification of Herbs 102  - Teaches the Actions and Classification of Herbs. How and where they work

Lesson 3 - How to Use Herbs 103  -  Learn to use Herbs as Medicine or Herbs as Food, historical uses of Herbs

Lesson 4 - How Healthy are You 104 - A review of the previous lessons along with a Health Check and Lifestyle Analysis of you and your families health.

    Natural Health - "An Intro to Herbs" will  offer you an overview of the Healing properties of Herbs and Natural supplements that you can use throughout your Torah Observant life. 

    Sign up today!

    Tuesday, May 25, 2010

    Sweet Potatoes

    We can measure the nutrient and toxin content of a food, and debate the health effects of each of its constituents until we're out of breath. But in the end, we still won't have a very accurate prediction of the health effects of that food. The question we need to answer is this one: has this food sustained healthy traditional cultures?

    I'm currently reading a great book edited by Drs. Hugh Trowell and Denis Burkitt, titled Western Diseases: Their Emergence and Prevention. It's a compilation of chapters describing the diet and health of traditional populations around the world as they modernize.

    The book contains a chapter on Papua New Guinea highlanders. Here's a description of their diet:
    A diet survey was undertaken involving 90 subjects, in which all food consumed by each individual was weighed over a period of seven consecutive days. Sweet potato supplied over 90 percent of their total food intake, while non-tuberous vegetables accounted for less than 5 percent of the food consumed and the intake of meat was negligible... Extensive herds of pigs are maintained and, during exchange ceremonies, large amounts of pork are consumed.
    They ate no salt. Their calories were almost entirely supplied by sweet potatoes, with occasional feasts on pork.

    How was their health? Like many non-industrial societies, they had a high infant/child mortality rate, such that 43 percent of children died before growing old enough to marry. Surprisingly, protein deficiency was rare. No obvious malnutrition was observed in this population, although iodine-deficiency cretinism occurs in some highlands populations:
    Young adults were well built and physically fit and had normal levels of haemoglobin and serum albumin. Further, adult females showed no evidence of malnutrition in spite of the demands by repeated cycles of pregnancy and lactation. On the basis of American standards (Society of Actuaries, 1959), both sexes were close to 100 percent standard weight in their twenties.
    The Harvard Pack Test carried out on 152 consecutive subjects demonstrated a high level of physical fitness which was maintained well into middle-age. Use of a bicycle ergometer gave an estimated maximum oxygen uptake of 45.2 ml per kilogram per minute and thus confirmed the high level of cardiopulmonary fitness in this group.
    Body weight decreased with age, which is typical of many non-industrial cultures and reflects declining muscle mass but continued leanness.

    There was no evidence of coronary heart disease or diabetes. Average blood pressure was on the high side, but did not increase with age. Investigators administered 100 gram glucose tolerance tests and only 3.8 percent of the population had glucose readings above 160 mg/dL, compared to 21 percent of Americans. A study of 7,512 Papuans from several regions with minimal European contact indicated a diabetes prevalence of 0.1 percent, a strikingly low rate. For comparison, in 2007, 10.7 percent of American adults had diabetes (1).

    I'm not claiming it's optimal to eat nothing but sweet potatoes. But this is the strongest evidence we're going to come by that sweet potatoes can be eaten in quantity as part of a healthy diet. However, I wish I knew more about the varieties this group ate. Sweet potatoes aren't necessarily sweet. Caribbean 'boniato' sweet potatoes are dry, starchy and off-white. In the US, I prefer the yellow sweet potatoes to the orange variety of sweet potato labeled 'yams', because the former are starchier and less sweet. If I could get my hands on locally grown boniatos here, I'd eat those, but boniatos are decidedly tropical.

    Instead, I eat potatoes, but I'm reluctant to recommend them whole-heartedly because I don't know enough about the traditional cultures that consumed them. I believe there are some low-CHD, low-obesity African populations that eat potatoes as part of a starch-based diet, but I haven't looked into it closely enough to make any broad statements. Potatoes have some nutritional advantages over sweet potatoes (higher protein content, better amino acid profile), but also some disadvantages (lower fiber, lower in most micronutrients, toxic glycoalkaloids).

    Sunday, May 23, 2010

    What's Growing in my Garden!

    This year has proven to be a great year for growing my own fruits and vegetables. HalleluYAH! I began planting around April and have already eaten lettuce from the garden several times this spring. There are gigantic zuchini plants, onions, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, red, yellow and green bellpeppers, okra, squash, watermelon, cantaloupe and OH yea Lettuces!
    It is such a mind blowing miracle to watch what YHWH put in order to grow in obedience to His word.

    (Gen 1:11)  And Elohim said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so.

    (Gen 1:12)  And the earth brought forth grass, and herb yielding seed after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself, after his kind: and Elohim saw that it was good.

    AND IT IS GOOD! It is so good to know that the herb yielding seeds after their kind will provide fresh, healthy, organic and wholesome food for our families.

    IT IS GOOD! To see each little seed grow and produce fruit fit for the service of man.

    (Psa 104:14)  He causeth the grass to grow for the cattle, and herb for the service of man: that he may bring forth food out of the earth;

    YHWH is Awesome in His Majesty and great and greatly to be praised!
    If you haven't start a backyard or patio garden, I encourage you to do so NOW! All Praises to the Most High YHWH!

    Red leaf Lettuces, hot peppers and butternut lettuces

    Big Beautiful Zuchini Plants
    Corn! Corn! Corn!

    Saturday, May 22, 2010

    Pastured Dairy may Prevent Heart Attacks

    Not all dairy is created equal. Dairy from grain-fed and pasture-fed cows differs in a number of ways. Pastured dairy contains more fat-soluble nutrients such as vitamin K2, vitamin A, vitamin E, carotenes and omega-3 fatty acids. It also contains more conjugated linoleic acid, a fat-soluble molecule that has been under intense study due to its ability to inhibit obesity and cancer in animals. The findings in human supplementation trials have been mixed, some confirming the animal studies and others not. In feeding experiments in cows, Dr. T. R. Dhiman and colleagues found the following (1):
    Cows grazing pasture and receiving no supplemental feed had 500% more conjugated linoleic acid in milk fat than cows fed typical dairy diets.
    Fat from ruminants such as cows, sheep and goats is the main source of CLA in the human diet. CLA is fat-soluble. Therefore, skim milk doesn't contain any. It's also present in human body fat in proportion to dietary intake. This can come from dairy or flesh.

    In a recent article from the AJCN, Dr. Liesbeth Smit and colleagues examined the level of CLA in the body fat of Costa Rican adults who had suffered a heart attack, and compared it to another group who had not (a case-control study, for the aficionados). People with the highest level of CLA in their body fat were 49% less likely to have had a heart attack, compared to those with the lowest level (2).

    Since dairy was the main source of CLA in this population, the association between CLA and heart attack risk is inextricable from the other components in pastured dairy fat. In other words, CLA is simply a marker of pastured dairy fat intake in this population, and the (possible) benefit could just as easily have come from vitamin K2 or something else in the fat.

    This study isn't the first one to suggest that pastured dairy fat may be uniquely protective. The Rotterdam and EPIC studies found that a higher vitamin K2 intake is associated with a lower risk of heart attack, cancer and overall mortality (3, 4, 5). In the 1940s, Dr. Weston Price estimated that pastured dairy contains up to 50 times more vitamin K2 than grain-fed dairy. He summarized his findings in the classic book Nutrition and Physical Degeneration. This finding has not been repeated in recent times, but I have a little hunch that may change soon...

    Vitamin K2
    Cardiovascular Disease and Vitamin K2
    Can Vitamin K2 Reverse Arterial Calcification?

    Thursday, May 20, 2010

    Malocclusion Posts Translated into German

    It's nice to see on my website statistics program that Whole Health Source has a solid international following. As commonly as English is spoken throughout the world however, there are many people who do not have access to this blog due to a language barrier.

    A gentleman by the name of Bertram has translated/summarized my series on the causes and prevention of malocclusion (misaligned teeth) into German. His site is, and you can find the first post here, with links to the subsequent 8. It looks like an interesting site-- I wish I could read German. Thanks Bertram!

    Tuesday, May 18, 2010

    Intervew with Chris Kresser of The Healthy Skeptic

    Last week, I did an audio interview with Chris Kresser of The Healthy Skeptic, on the topic of obesity. We put some preparation into it, and I think it's my best interview yet. Chris was a gracious host. We covered some interesting ground, including (list copied from Chris's post):
    • The little known causes of the obesity epidemic
    • Why the common weight loss advice to �eat less and exercise more� isn�t effective
    • The long-term results of various weight loss diets (low-carb, low-fat, etc.)
    • The body-fat setpoint and its relevance to weight regulation
    • The importance of gut flora in weight regulation
    • The role of industrial seed oils in the obesity epidemic
    • Obesity as immunological and inflammatory disease
    • Strategies for preventing weight gain and promoting weight loss
    Some of the information we discussed is not yet available on my blog. You can listen to the interview through Chris's post here.

    Thursday, May 13, 2010

    Sometimes You Just Get Lucky

    I went fishing last Saturday on Fidalgo island with some friends.

    That's a picture of the trophy minnow I caught after a full day of fishing. I'm thinking about having it mounted.

    We made out a little better the next day.

    Here are two of my other hunter-gatherer adventures for those who are interested:


    Tuesday, May 11, 2010

    Saturated Fat and Insulin Sensitivity, Again

    A new study was recently published exploring the effect of diet composition on insulin sensitivity and other factors in humans (1). 29 men with metabolic syndrome-- including abdominal obesity, low HDL, high blood pressure, high triglycerides, and high fasting glucose-- were fed one of four diets for 12 weeks:
    1. A diet containing 38% fat: 16% saturated (SFA), 12% monounsaturated (MUFA) and 6% polyunsaturated (PUFA)
    2. A diet containing 38% fat: 8% SFA, 20% MUFA and 6% PUFA
    3. A diet high in unrefined carbohydrate, containing 28% fat (8% SFA, 11% MUFA and 6% PUFA)
    4. A diet high in unrefined carbohydrate, containing 28% fat (8% SFA, 11% MUFA and 6% PUFA) and an omega-3 supplement (1.24 g/day EPA and DHA)
    After 12 weeks, insulin sensitivity, fasting glucose, glucose tolerance, and blood pressure did not change significantly in any of the four groups. This is consistent with the majority of the studies that have examined this question, although somehow the idea persists that saturated fat impairs insulin sensitivity. I discussed this in more detail in a recent post (2).

    The paper that's typically cited by people who wish to defend the idea that saturated fat impairs insulin sensitivity is the KANWU study (3). In this study, investigators found no significant difference in insulin sensitivity between volunteers fed primarily SFA or MUFA for 12 weeks. You wouldn't realize this from the abstract however; you have to look very closely at the p-values in table 4.

    One of the questions one could legitimately ask, however, is whether SFA have a different effect on people with metabolic syndrome. Maybe the inflammation and metabolic problems they already have make them more sensitive to the hypothetical damaging effects of SFA? That's the question the first study addressed, and it appears that SFA are not uniquely harmful to insulin signaling in those with metabolic syndrome on the timescale tested.

    It also showed that the different diets did not alter the proportion of blood fats being burned in muscle, as opposed to being stored in fat tissue. The human body is a remarkably adaptable biological machine that can make the best of a variety of nutrient inputs, at least over the course of 12 weeks. Metabolic damage takes decades to accumulate, and in my opinion is more dependent on food quality than macronutrient composition. Once metabolic dysfunction is established, some people may benefit from carbohydrate restriction, however.

    Wednesday, May 5, 2010

    The Higher Healing Network!

    (Psa 127:1)  Except YHWH build the house, they labour in vain that build it: except YHWH keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain.

    (Psa 127:2)  It is vain for you to rise up early, to sit up late, to eat the bread of sorrows: for so he giveth his beloved sleep.

    With these passages of scripture I have found comfort. For it is truly YHWH that builds the Higher Healing House and He has made our move smooth and uneventful. I am so thankful that we serve the Most High YHWH!  The Higher Healing Network is set up in its new location and the fellowship is wonderful. If you have not visited as of yet, Please stop by soon. 

    There are groups, discussions, health blogs and so much more for you to see, learn from and participate in, on the network. We even have  "VIDEO CHAT"! WOW, that has proven to be a wonderful addition to the network. We can now hold free natural health classes live online in the "Video Chat" Room and everyone can participate.

    My days have been filled with a lot of task and yet, the Most High has made it all come together so easily that I can't and won't complain. This is a new beginning for the Higher Healing Network and I am so excited to be on this journey.

    May YHWH Bless you and Keep you always!

    Tuesday, May 4, 2010

    Traditional Preparation Methods Improve Grains' Nutritive Value

    Soaking or Germinating Grains

    The most basic method of preparing grains is prolonged soaking in water, followed by cooking. This combination reduces the level of water-soluble and heat-sensitive toxins and anti-nutrients such as tannins, saponins, digestive enzyme inhibitors and lectins, as well as flatulence factors. It also partially degrades phytic acid, which is a potent inhibitor of mineral absorption, an inhibitor of the digestive enzyme trypsin and an enemy of dental health (1). This improves the digestibility and nutritional value of grains as well as legumes.

    I prefer to soak all grains and legumes for at least 12 hours in a warm location, preferably 24. This includes foods that most people don't soak, such as lentils. Soaking does not reduce phytic acid at all in grains that have been heat-treated, such as oats and kasha (technically not a grain), because they no longer contain the phytic acid-degrading enzyme phytase. Cooking without soaking first also does not have much effect on phytic acid.

    The next level of grain preparation is germination. After soaking, rinse the grains twice per day for an additional day or two. This activates the grains' sprouting program and further increases their digestibility and vitamin content. When combined with cooking, it reduces phytic acid, although modestly. Therefore, most of the minerals in sprouted whole grains will continue to be inaccessible. Many raw sprouted grains and legumes are edible, but I wouldn't use them as a staple food because they retain most of their phytic acid as well as some heat-sensitive anti-nutrients (2).

    Grinding and Fermenting Grains

    Many cultures around the world have independently discovered fermentation as a way to greatly improve the digestibility and nutritive value of grains (3). Typically, grains are soaked, ground, and allowed to sour ferment for times ranging from 12 hours to several days. In some cases, a portion of the bran is removed before or after grinding.

    In addition to the reduction in toxins and anti-nutrients afforded by soaking and cooking, grinding and fermentation goes much further. Grinding greatly increases the surface area of the grains and breaks up their cellular structure, releasing enzymes which are important for the transformation to come. Under the right conditions, which are easy to achieve, lactic acid bacteria rapidly acidify the batter. These bacteria are naturally present on grains, but adding a starter makes the process more efficient and reliable.

    Due to some quirk of nature, grain phytase is maximally active at a pH of between 4.5 and 5.5, which is mildly acidic. This is why the Weston Price foundation recommends soaking grains in an acidic medium before cooking. The combination of grinding and sour fermentation causes grains to efficiently degrade their own phytic acid (as long as they haven't been heat treated first), making minerals much more available for absorption (4, 5, 6, 7). This transforms whole grains from a poor source of minerals into a good source.

    The degree of phytic acid degradation depends on the starting amount of phytase in the grain. Corn, rice, oats and millet don't contain much phytase activity, so they require either a longer fermentation time, or the addition of high-phytase grains to the batter (8). Whole raw buckwheat, wheat, and particularly rye contain a large amount of phytase (9), although I feel wheat is problematic for other reasons.

    As fermentation proceeds, bacteria secrete enzymes that begin digesting the protein, starch and other substances in the batter. Fermentation reduces lectin levels substantially, which are reduced further by cooking (10). Lectins are toxins that can interfere with digestion and may be involved in autoimmune disease, an idea championed by Dr. Loren Cordain. Grain lectins are generally heat-sensitive, but one notable exception is the nasty lectin wheat germ agglutinin (WGA). As its name suggests, WGA is found in wheat germ, and thus is mostly absent in white flour. WGA may have been another reason why DART participants who increased their wheat fiber intake had significantly more heart attacks than those who didn't. I don't know if fermentation degrades WGA.

    One of the problems with grains is their poor protein quality. Besides containing a fairly low concentration of protein to begin with, they also don't contain a good balance of essential amino acids. This prevents their efficient use by the body, unless a separate source of certain amino acids is eaten along with them. The main limiting amino acid in grains is lysine. Legumes are rich in lysine, which is why cultures around the world pair them with grains. Bacterial fermentation produces lysine, often increasing its concentration by many fold and making grains nearly a "complete protein", i.e. one that contains the ideal balance of essential amino acids as do animal proteins (11, scroll down to see graph). Not very many plant foods can make that claim. Fermentation also increases the concentration of the amino acid methionine and certain vitamins.

    Another problem with grain protein is it's poorly digested relative to animal protein. This means that a portion of it escapes digestion, leading to a lower nutritive value and a higher risk of allergy due to undigested protein hanging around in the digestive tract. Fermentation followed by cooking increases the digestibility of grain protein, bringing it nearly to the same level as meat (12, 13, 14, 15). This may relate to the destruction of protease inhibitors (trypsin inhibitors, phytic acid) and the partial pre-digestion of grain proteins by bacteria.

    Once you delve into the research on traditional grain preparation methods, you begin to see why grain-eating cultures throughout the world have favored certain techniques. Proper grain processing transforms them from toxic to nutritious, from health-degrading to health-giving. Modern industrial grain processing has largely eschewed these time-honored techniques, replacing them with low-extraction milling, extrusion and quick-rise yeast strains.

    Many people will not be willing to go through the trouble of grinding and fermentation to prepare grains. I can sympathize, although if you have the right tools, once you establish a routine it really isn't that much work. It just requires a bit of organization. In fact, it can even be downright convenient. I often keep a bowl of fermented dosa or buckwheat batter in the fridge, ready to make a tasty "pancake" at a moment's notice. In the next post, I'll describe a few recipes from different parts of the world.

    Further reading:

    How to Eat Grains
    A Few Thoughts on Minerals, Milling, Grains and Tubers
    Dietary Fiber and Mineral Availability
    A New Way to Soak Brown Rice