Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Dr. Kevin Patterson on Western Diets and Health

A few readers have pointed me to an interesting NPR interview with the Canadian physician Kevin Patterson (link). He describes his medical work in Afghanistan and the Canadian arctic treating cultures with various degrees of industrialization. He discusses the "epidemiological transition", the idea that cultures experience predictable changes in their health as they go from hunter-gatherer, to agricultural, to industrial. I think he has an uncommonly good perspective on the effects of industrialization on human health, which tends to be true of people who have witnessed the effects of the industrial diet and lifestyle on diverse cultures.

A central concept behind my thinking is that it's possible to benefit simultaneously from both:

  • The sanitation, medical technology, safety technology, law enforcement and lower warfare-related mortality that have increased our life expectancy dramatically relative to our distant ancestors.

  • The very low incidence of obesity, diabetes, coronary heart disease and other non-infectious chronic diseases afforded by a diet and lifestyle roughly consistent with our non-industrial heritage.

But it requires discipline, because going with the flow means becoming unhealthy.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Chicken Pox : Causes, Treatment and Home Remedies

Chickenpox or chicken pox as in Wikipedia,is a highly contagious illness caused by primary infection with varicella zoster virus (VZV). It usually starts with vesicular skin rash mainly on the body and head rather than at the periphery and becomes itchy, raw pockmarks, which mostly heal without scarring.

Chickenpox is an airborne disease spread easily through coughing or sneezing of ill individuals or through direct contact with secretions from the rash. A person with chickenpox is infectious from one to five days before the rash appears. The contagious period continues for 4 to 5 days after the appearance of the rash, or until all lesions have crusted over. Immunocompromised patients are probably contagious during the entire period new lesions keep appearing. Crusted lesions are not contagious.It takes from 10 to 21 days after contact with an infected person for someone to develop chickenpox.

Treatment for chicken pox is directed primarily at providing relief from the symptoms, rather than actually curing the condition. Chicken pox remedies are therefore extremely popular and constitute the first line of treatment for the condition in most parts of the world.

. The use of brown vinegar is one of the most important among the several home remedies found beneficial in the treatment of chicken pox. Half a cup of this vinegar should be added to a bath of warm water. This will relieve the irritation of the skin.

. A bath of oatmeal is considered a natural remedy for relieving the itch due to chicken pox. This bath is prepared by cooking two cups of oatmeal in two liters of water for fifteen minutes. This mixture is then put into a cloth bag, preferably cotton, and a string is tied tightly around the top. This bag is allowed to float in a tub of warm water, and swished around until the water becomes turbid.

. Green pea water is another effective remedy for relieving irritation of the skin. The water in which fresh peas have been cooked can be used for this purpose.

. Baking soda is a popular remedy to control the itching in chicken pox. Some baking soda should be put in a glass of water. The child should be sponged with this water, so that the soda dries on the skin. This will keep the child away from scratching the eruptions.

. The use of vitamin E oil is valuable in chicken pox. This oil should be rubbed on the skin. It will have a healing effect. The marks left by chicken pox will fade away by this application.

. The use of honey as an external application has also proved valuable in chicken pox. The skin should be smeared with honey. It will help in the healing of the disease within three days.

. A soup prepared from carrots and coriander has been found beneficial in the treatment of chicken pox. About 100 gm of carrots and 60 gm of fresh coriander should be cut into small pieces and boiled for a while. The residue should be discarded. This soup should be taken once a day.

. Lukewarm water baths can be given every day to relieve itching. For better results, margosa leaves can be added to this water.

. Drink plenty of fluids to keep the body hydrated and sponge with tepid water if the fever is high.

. Application of Aloe Vera gel soothes itching on the skin and also promotes healing of the blisters.

. Boil a lot of sage leaves in a big pot and give the patient a bath in it everyday. It heals the skin quickly.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Randy Tobler Show: Welcome

This morning, I had a conversation with Dr. Randy Tobler on his radio show "Vital Signs", on 97.1 FM News Talk in St Louis. Dr. Tobler is an obstetrician-gynecologist with an interest in nutrition, fitness and reproductive endocrinology from a holistic perspective. He asked me to appear on his show after he discovered my blog and found that we have some things in common, including an interest in evolutionary/ancestral health. We talked about the history of the American diet, the health of non-industrial cultures, what fats are healthiest, and the difference between pastured and conventional meat/dairy-- we took a few questions from listeners-- it was fun.

The show is available as a podcast here (3/26 show), although as far as I can tell, you need iTunes to listen to it. My section of the show starts around 8:20.

To everyone who arrived here after hearing me on the air this morning: welcome! Here are a few posts to give you a feel for what I do here at Whole Health Source:

The Coronary Heart Disease Epidemic

US Weight, Lifestyle and Diet Trends, 1970-2007
Butter vs. Margarine Showdown
Preventing and Reversing Tooth Decay
The Kitavans: Wisdom from the Pacific Islands
Potatoes and Human Health, Part I, Part II and Part III
Traditional Preparation Methods Improve Grains' Nutritional Value
Real Food XI: Sourdough Buckwheat Crepes
Glucose Tolerance in Non-industrial Cultures
Tropical Plant Fats: Palm Oil

It's Time to Let Go of the Glycemic Index

Friday, March 25, 2011

Fat Burning Foods : Fat Burning Foods Lists

The fat burning food can be defined as a food that help in burning more calories than its calorie content. Fat burning foods are included in a well-defined diet plan of a weight loss program.There are many foods that help in burning fat. Foods rich in protein and fiber contents are especially beneficial in weight loss.

Take a look at some of the fat burning foods that have been clinically proven to help the body in shedding excess weight. The fat burning foods are rich in vitamins and minerals, and also possess certain fat-melting substances.

. Breakfast
Low fat milk, oatmeal, and whole-grain cereal are the food items that you can use to prepare your breakfast. The complex carbohydrates and fiber helps to keep insulin levels in check, which prevents fat storage. The calcium in milk is considered a metabolism-booster because it directly affects the chemical and hormonal balance of the body.

. Spicy foods
Jalapenos, habaneros, red chillies,cayenne peppers, and other chili peppers can affect your metabolism by speeding up your heart rate.

. Liquid
Black tea, green tea and coffee contain caffeine and/or a chemical called EGCG, both of which directly effect metabolism. Caffeine speeds up the heart rate and also frees fatty acids stored in the body, making them more readily available for energy-usage. EGCG, found in high concentrations in Green Tea seems to speed up the brain and nervous system, helping you to burn significantly more calories.

. Meat
Lean beef, chicken, turkey, pork, and other lean meats help to speed up the metabolism and burn more fat as they require more energy for digestion. Studies have shown that people who follow a high-meat/high-protein diet burn twice as many calories after a meal as people who follow a high-carbohydrate diet.

. Fish
Salmon, tuna, and sardines contain large amounts of omega-3 fatty acids which, besides being incredibly healthy, seems to have a strong effect on metabolism. Omega-3 fats alter levels of a body hormone called leptin which directly influences metabolism and determines whether you burn calories or store them as fat. Basically, the less leptin you have in your bloodstream the more calories you use for energy. Cold-water fish and omega-3 oils like flax seed oil have been shown to significantly lower leptin levels and improve metabolism.

. Fruits and vegetables
Asparagus, apple, beet root, blueberries, broccoli, cabbage, carrot, sweet potatoes and watermelon are the common fruits and vegetables that are considered as fat burning foods.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Hay Fever : Causes, Prevention and Home Remedies

Hay fever or allergic rhinitis,or pollenosis as in Wikipedia is an allergic inflammation of the nasal airways. It occurs when an allergen such as pollen or dust is inhaled by an individual with a sensitized immune system, and triggers antibody production. This causes itching, swelling, and mucus production. Symptoms vary in severity between individuals. Very sensitive individuals can experience hives or other rashes.

The usual symptoms of hay fever include the following:

.Runny nose (clear, thin discharge)
.Congested ("stuffy") nose
.Postnasal drip
.Sensation of plugged ear(s)
.Watery, bloodshot eyes
.Itching of nose, soft palate, ear canal, eyes, and/or skin
.Trouble sleeping

If you find out that you're allergic to allergens such as tree, grass or weed pollens,beginning medication before the season starts is often the answer.Hay fever does not always require medical treatment. Home remedies will not have side effects on your health and you will recover in a matter of few days.

. Eat a healthy and balanced diet. Include vitamin C in your diet. Avoid flour, sugar, salt and dairy products for one week. Drink plenty of filtered water and herbal tea. Eat good quality protein.

. Do not go out early in the morning or late in the evening. At this time pollen count in air is comparatively more.

. Reducing or quitting smoking and stay away from people smoking as the smoke might be an allergen.

. Chamomile is an excellent hay fever remedy. Chamomile oil can be smeared onto a tissue and inhaled or chamomile tea is known to help as one of the beneficial hay fever cures.

. Gargle with warm salt water, 1-2 tablespoons of table salt in 8 ounces of warm water, to soothe a mildly sore throat.

. Steam inhalation is also help. Mixing a few drops of eucalyptus oil to hot warm and inhaling the steam is known to lessen the severity of the conditions.

. Application of petroleum jelly around the edge of your nostrils reduces the amount of pollen getting through.

. Take nonprescription antihistamines such as Benadryl to relieve symptoms of sneezing, runny nose, and itchy throat and eyes.

. For stuffy nose, a combination of an antihistamine and a decongestant such as Actifed may work better.

. Pets are often a source of pollen allergies. Make sure you give them a bath every few days.

. Live in a clean and tidy environment. Your house should be free of dust and dirt at all times. The windows and doors should be closed most times of the day. The air conditioning system should be cleaned as well.

In case, the allergy gets serious or incurable, consult a physician as soon as possible.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Safflower Oil Study

A few people have sent me a new study claiming to demonstrate that half a tablespoon of safflower oil a day improves insulin sensitivity, increases HDL and decreases inflammation in diabetics (1). Let me explain why this study does not show what it claims.

It all comes down to a little thing called a control group, which is the basis for comparison that you use to determine if your intervention had an effect. This study didn't have one for the safflower group. What it had was two intervention groups, one given 6.4g conjugated linoleic acid (CLA; 50% c9t11 and 50% t10c12-CLA) per day, and one given 8g safflower oil. I have to guess that this study was originally designed to test the effects of the CLA, with the safflower oil group as the control group, and that the interpretation of the data changed after the results came in. Otherwise, I don't understand why they would conduct a study like this without a control group.

Anyway, they found that the safflower oil group did better than the CLA group over 16 weeks, showing a higher insulin sensitivity, higher HDL, lower HbA1c (a marker of average blood glucose levels) and lower CRP (a marker of inflammation). But they also found that the safflower group improved slightly compared to baseline, therefore they decided to attribute the difference to a beneficial effect of safflower oil. The problem is that without a control (placebo) group for comparison, there's no way to know if the improvement would have occurred regardless of treatment, due to the season changing, more regular check-ups at the doctor's office due to participating in a study, or countless other unforeseen factors. A control group is essential for the accurate interpretation of results, which is why drug studies always have placebo groups.

What we can say is that the safflower oil group fared better than the CLA group, because there was a difference between the two. However, what I think really happened is that the CLA supplement was harmful and the small dose of safflower oil had no effect. Why? Because the t10c12 isomer of CLA, which was half their pill, has already been shown by previous well-controlled studies to reduce insulin sensitivity, decrease HDL and increase inflammatory markers at a similar dose and for a similar duration (2, 3). The safflower oil group only looked good by comparison. We can add this study to the "research bloopers" file.

It's worth noting that naturally occurring CLA mixtures, similar to those found in pastured dairy and ruminant fat, have not been shown to cause metabolic problems such as those caused by isolated t10c12 CLA.

Dry Skin : Causes, Prevention and Home Remedies

Dry skin is a common problem. Our skin needs moisture to stay smooth and supple, and retaining moisture becomes difficult as we age. Our skin also looses moisture more readily in the winter. Prolonged exposure to extreme temperatures or harsh chemicals can also result in dry skin. An improper or insufficient diet may also lead to dry skin. Prolonged exposure to the sun or prolonged submersion in water, especially sea water, can also dry out your skin.

You will know if you have a dry skin when your skin feels tight and stretched, especially after washing,you get a frequent urge to itch your skin and your skin has visible white marks on it, or these white marks appear when you itch your skin.

There are a number of remedies that can be used to combat dry skin. Let us take a look at some of them.

. Use a moisturizing cream or lotion and apply it liberally over the affected areas of your skin, especially after you bathe.

. Each day when you take your bath or shower, try to use lukewarm water. A hot water bath may dries out your skin more than normal water.

. Avoid using harsh soaps that dry the skin.Use natural soaps to bathe and wear gloves when you�re washing dishes or clothes.

. When toweling dry, do not rub the skin. Blot or pat dry so there is still some moisture left on the skin.

. Drink plenty of water and other liquids to keep your skin moist from the inside.

. Avoid excessive consumption of alcohol. It doesn�t do good for the rest of your body, including your skin.

. Consume Vitamins A,D, and E capsules.

. Do not smoke. Smoking further dries out the skin and makes it parched and leathery.

. Use a humidifier in your home to keep the air moist.

. Mash an avocado and spread on the skin, then wash off with a cool washcloth after 15 minutes. Avocado, a high-fat fruit, softens and moisturizes the skin, and contains vitamins A, D, and E, which hydrate and protect the skin.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Diarrhea : Causes,Treatment and Home Remedies

As in Wikipedia,diarrhea, also spelled diarrhoea, is the condition of having three or more loose or liquid bowel movements per day. It is a common cause of death in developing countries and the second most common cause of infant deaths worldwide. The loss of fluids through diarrhea can cause dehydration and electrolyte imbalances.

The most common causes of diarrhea include:


Other causes include medications, such as antibiotics that disturb the natural balance of the bacteria in your intestines, artificial sweeteners and lactose, which is a sugar found in milk.

Signs and symptoms associated with diarrhea may include:

.Frequent loose, watery stools
.Abdominal cramps
.Abdominal pain
.Lightheadedness or dizziness from dehydration

How can you stop diarrhea the natural way? Here, some remedies and treatments for natural relief

-A common dietary treatment for diarrhea is the BRAT diet(bananas, rice, apple sauce and toast, the staples of the diet). For the first 48 hours of the illness eat only bananas, boiled white rice, apples and dry white toast. Drink plenty of liquids to replace lost fluids.

-Brown rice is also works as a cure for diarrhea.Boil the rice in water and add sea salt. Drink the resulting liquid to alleviate symptoms. The vitamin B contained in the rice is what makes this an effective treatment. The broth from bouillon can also offer relief.

-Avoid fried foods, spices, preservatives, and oily foods. These foods worsen the symptoms of diarrhea.

-People who have diarrhea should drink at least eight glasses of water every day and alcohol should be avoided.Avoid milk and dairy products except yogurt.

-Add 1 teaspoon of salt and 1 teaspoon of sugar to 1 quart of water. This will replenish your glucose and electrohydrates.

-Drink blackberry tea for mild diarrhea.

-Drinks like ginger ale or carrot juice is good for making the stools less watery.

-Take two lemons and squeezed the juice into a glass, and then add a half tea spoon of baking powder. Drink it down as it foams.

-In a cup mix 1 tsp of Cinnamon, 1 tsp or a little bit more of sugar. Add to hot water. Stir, let cool and drink in One gulp if you can.

-Make a mixture by adding 1/2 tsp lemon juice, 1/2 tsp ginger juice and 1/4 tsp pepper powder. Drink this mixture two times a day.

-Take 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water with each meal.

-An effective remedy for diarrhea is the use of buttermilk. The acid in the buttermilk fights germs and bacteria. It may be mixed with a pinch of salt three or four times a day for controlling diarrhea.

-Carrot soup is another effective home remedy for diarrhea. Half a kg. of carrot may be cooked in 150 ml. of water until it is soft. The pulp should be strained and boiled water added to make a liter. Three-quarter tablespoon of salt may be mixed. This soup should be given in small amounts to the patient every half an hour.

-The pomegranate has proved beneficial in the treatment of diarrhea.Patient should be given repeatedly about 50 ml. of pomegranate juice to drink. This will control the diarrhea.

-Turmeric rhizome, its juice or dry powder are all very helpful in curing chronic diarrhea. In the form of dry powder, it ma y be taken in buttermilk or plain water.,

Monday, March 21, 2011

Gas Relief : Causes, Prevention and Home Remedies

Have you ever suffered from gas relief? Gas relief can be very frustrating and embarrassing. Swallowing too much of air while eating, acidic stomach, stressful lifestyle and eating too much of spicy food can result in the development of excessive gas.

Many of us often try antacids for gas and bloating, but for this purpose they are useless. They are also not healthy to use for indigestion or heartburn, because although they neutralize acid, they prevent proper digestion and interfere with the absorption of nutrients.

Natural remedies for gas relief

. Parsley is a great natural ingredient that comes in handy when it comes to treating excessive stomach gas. You can soak a little amount of parsley in water and drink this liquid at regular intervals during the day.

. Ginger is also a valuable herb when it comes to treating stomach gas. Soak a few slices of ginger in lemon juice and chew on them for instant relief from gas.

. Passion fruit is another useful herbal treatment used to get rid of excessive stomach gas. Soak around 2 gm of passion fruit in a quarter cup of water and drink this solution for instant relief from gas.

. Avoid chewing gum, hard candies, and carbonated beverages.

. Drink plenty of water throughout the day eight glasses.

. Exercise to help regulate your bowel habits, which may reduce or eliminate gas over time.

. Fennel oil is also a very good herbal remedy for treating stomach gas. You can avail maximum benefits of fennel oil by massaging it over the stomach.

Nose Bleeds : Causes, Treatment and Home Remedies

Nosebleeds are extremely common, especially in teens. Nosebleeds are a condition where there is sudden bleeding from the nose. It may feel as if the nose is running, but it is actually blood trickling down from the nose. There is no need to worry about a nosebleed because it is almost always harmless and easy to stop.

There are two different kinds of nosebleeds. The one in which the blood comes from the front of the nose is known as the anterior nosebleed. This is caused when the fine capillaries inside the nose break and cause bleeding. The second kind of nosebleed is known as the posterior nosebleed. This occurs at the deepest part of the nose and blood may begin to flow down the back of the throat as well. This is more common in older people or those who suffer face and nose injuries or high blood pressure.

The basic symptom of nosebleeds is the flow of blood from the nose. Since blood is warm, you may feel a little heat in the nose. You may also feel some pressure around the nasal region before the blood starts to trickle down.

Causes of Nose Bleeds

. Dry air is most often associated with a nose bleed.Dry air can irritate the nasal membranes. This causes the formation of crusts, which may then begin to itch. When you try to pick your nose or scratch it from inside, it begins to bleed.

. Extreme cold or some viruses may also be associated with the itching of the nasal membranes. If you blow your nose repeatedly, that too may result in the bleeding.

. Another possible cause of nosebleeds is allergies.Allergies may also cause the drying of the nasal membranes, causing nosebleeds.

. Injuries or blows to the nose are another common cause for nose bleeds. If you receive a blow to your nose, it is possible to rupture a capillary running through it.

Treatment for Nosebleeds

. Clean the blood using a soft cloth. Avoid applying pressure on the site. Next, stand up or lie down to ease the flow of blood and tilt your head a little forward, pinching your nostrils right below the part where your nose is bony. Apply gentle pressure there and the bleeding should stop in a few minutes. If it doesn�t stop, use an ice pack or a cold compress around the nose.

. People who suffer frequent nosebleeds should include more of vitamin K in their diets. Leafy greens like spinach, asparagus, and parsley are great sources of vitamin K. Broccoli and Brussels sprouts can also be included in the diet.

. You can also make a ball of clean cotton and push this up your nose. However you should leave one end hanging out so that you can pull it out. If the cotton gets saturated with blood, you should replace it with another.

. You can also dissolve a teaspoon of salt in a small amount of vinegar. Add some lemon juice to this. Mix this well and hold this close to your nose. You will find that the bleeding stops.

. Chop a piece of raw onion and hold this under your nose. You will find that the fumes of the onion cause the nose bleed to stop since onion acts as a coagulating agent.

. If you notice that your nose is beginning to bleed, you can try a simple remedy before too much blood starts coming out. You can strike a match, low it out and hold the smoking matchstick to the nostril from where the blood is coming. Allow the smell of the burnt matchstick to go up the nostril. Don�t sniff too hard since this will cause the nose to bleed further. Allow the smoky smell to go up your nose. You will find that it stops the nose bleed. You may even have to use a couple of matchsticks but it does work, especially if you are able to try this remedy before your nose starts bleeding profusely.

. You can tear a small piece of the brown paper bag and place it on your upper lip, just below the nose. You will find that this can cause the bleeding to stop.

. You can also fill your mouth with ice cubes and hold them against the roof of your mouth. This works well to stop the bleeding.

. Using a towel filled with ice cubes on the back of your neck can also help stop the nose bleed.

It is important to visit the emergency room under the following circumstances

.When bleeding will not stop or continues on;
.When the blood loss is excessive or the pace is rapid; and
.When feeling faint or weak, which would presumably be from the loss of blood.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Leg Cramps : Causes, Prevention and Home Remedies

Leg cramps are an involuntary contraction of a single muscle or a group of muscles in the leg. These are usually painful and extremely discomforting. Leg cramps often occur in elderly patients though age is no criteria as it is often seen in young people too. Leg cramps generally occur in the calf muscle, the hamstring and the quadriceps. The duration of a leg cramp ranges from less than a minute to several minutes at times.

Cramps are characterized by sudden and abrupt appearances, with mild twitching sensations or an outburst of excruciating pain. Leg cramps are characterized by the following symptoms

� Severe leg pain.
� Muscle tenderness.
� Inability to move the leg for the duration the cramp lasts. The muscle in the affected area would most likely feel extremely tense and would be hard if touched.

The exact cause of a leg cramp is extremely difficult to pinpoint, some of the factors leading to the same are as follows -

� Muscle fatigue due to overexertion
� Rigorous exercises
� Dehydration
� Excess weight
� Electrolyte, hormonal or fluid imbalances
� Side effects of certain medicines such as diuretics.
� An unusual or a different exercise than what is done normally.
� Diminished blood supply.
� Nerve abnormalities.
� Nerve and muscle diseases

Although checking with your doctor is the best way to identify why this is happening, try some of these easy at home ways of reducing the pain.

. Rub the area gently for immediate relief. Put your legs out in front of you and flex your foot toward the ceiling, slowly, to gently stretch the calf muscle. Elongate your leg to get the most from the stretch.

. Keep leg pain from occurring by gently yet thoroughly stretching before exercise. Before beginning any exercise routine, consult your doctor.

. Make sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day. This will help flush toxins from your body. Limit sports drinks because they contain sodium which can aggravate cramping in some people. Also, foods high in calcium like low-fat milk, yogurt and cheeses have been known to help.

. The nutrient Carnitine is essential for muscular health. Although you can get it from foods, you would have to eat a lot of red meat, which isn't healthy. Check your local health food store for the tablets and follow the instructions.

. Stretching your muscles gently with light exercise like riding a stationary bicycle for a few minutes before going to bed can help loosen up and strengthen the muscles. This would greatly limit the occurrence or severity of night leg cramps.

. A hot shower or soak in a warm bath should also offer considerable relief.

. Multi-vitamin and mineral supplements may help, but should only be taken after consulting with a nutritionist or doctor for the appropriate dosage. Calcium, potassium, and magnesium deficiencies are often the cause for night leg cramps.

. Try and consume fresh fruits and vegetables, and whole meal varieties of grains, not the refined varieties as the process generally destroys most of their nutritional value. Grains for that matter lose up to 85% of their magnesium when finely milled. Fruits like dates and bananas are rich sources of magnesium and potassium.

. While milk and dairy products like cheese are rich in calcium, their high phosphorus levels reduce their effectiveness as calcium replacement sources. It would be best to get the required dosage of calcium from supplements that do not contain phosphorus.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Dark Armpits : Causes, Prevention and Home Remedies

Dark armpits are often the cause of embarrassment when you wear your favorite sleeveless top. Dark underarms are of more concern to fair people because it is visible more on fair skin. The problem of dark underarms is very common among people and this problem can be causes due to number of reasons such as excess amount of sweat in underarms, allergy to use of deodorant, unhygienic conditions, over usage of razor and some times due to some hereditary causes. There are also a number of reasons why the armpit area may be darker than the rest of your body, some of them being major health concerns. Some of these include:

-Diabetes type II
-Hormonal imbalances
-Endocrine disorders

You can start getting rid of you dark armpit area today with some simple home remedies.

1. Use a lemon. Cut a lemon so that you have a slice, and then rub it right over the armpit area. Lemons naturally lighten the skin, cleanse the skin, and they have antimicrobial properties which help prevent any continued darkening of your armpit area.

2. You can also take aloe vera gel and rub it under your arm pits.

3. After a shower rub some baking soda on your armpits.The benefit to baking soda is that it not only can help lighten your armpits, but it will also help absorb any sweat and odor.

4. Take fish oil supplements on a daily basis. You can find fish oil capsules in any grocery store or natural help food store.

5. Make a paste using 1 tsp of lime juice, 1 tsp of cucumber juice and a pinch of turmeric powder. Apply it on your armpits and rinse after 20 minutes. This is a very effective remedy for dark underarms and so you should use it at least four times a week.

6. Keep the area as clean as possible and to wear clothing that is made from natural fibers. Excessive sweating or tight fitting clothing can be the cause behind your dark armpit woes, so try cleansing the armpit area twice a day and wear clothing that is made from cotton, wool, and other natural fibers.

7. There are oral medications that you can take, such as isotretinoin, and prescription creams that contain vitamin A that can be applied to the area to help lighten up the skin.

8. Citrus oils are acidic in nature and help to bleach the skin naturally. You could use this cream on a daily basis as it is an excellent dark armpits treatment.

9. Rub Vitamin E oil and coconut oil on the affected regions to keep them moist and reduce the chances of further discolouration.

10. Prepare a mixture using milk and honey, take three spoon of honey and add milk to it. You can apply this mixture in underarms before taking bath because honey is little blotchy and you need to take bath soon after it remains on the skin for fifteen minutes.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Bad Body Odor : Causes, Prevention and Home Remedies

Every person has his or her own unique odor or smell. This scent, whether sweet and aromatic or repugnant and foul, largely depends on what type of food you eat and the overall health of your intestines or gut. Although judging the foulness of an odor is different in each culture, bad body odor seems to be avoided by everybody, regardless of culture or upbringing.

A person who has a problem with his or her body odor will realize that no amount of bathing, splashing of cologne or perfume, and using deodorant can mask the lingering trace of such smell.Bad body odor can be caused by numerous things, gingivitis, cigarette smoking, drugs, poor diet, disease, alcohol and etc.

Although good hygiene is necessary to combat bad odor, the best way to beat this problem is still to cleanse your system from within. Below are some tips that could help you get rid of your body odor problems for good.

1. Your Diet

What you eat is what you smell like,especially if we are perspiring. There has been a link made between eating foods that are bad for us (such as fast foods or processed foods) and smelling badly. Those that eat fresh foods, however, tend to have a far less �foul� smell when they sweat. Foods that you should focus on to smell better include:

.Foods with lots of fiber
.Dark, leafy green vegetables such as kale, spinach and broccoli
.Whole grain foods, such as 100% wholegrain breads and whole wheat pastas
.Soy products

2. Your Stress

The more you stress, the more you stink suggests some leading research. Though they are not entirely sure why this is, it is suspected that because we sweat more when we are stressed, our body then accumulates more bacteria, which in turn makes us smell not as pleasant as we would like.

3. Your Thyroid

One of the leading causes behind body odor that hardly any one thinks about is their thyroid. Having a thyroid imbalance can definitely cause you to have an unsavory body odor, so if you do happen to notice that your body odor is unflattering despite trying a number of different deodorants and perfumes, have your doctor check out your thyroid to make sure that it is functioning properly. If you do happen to have a thyroid imbalance, treating it medically almost always puts a stop to any body odor issues that a person may have.

4. Drink Your Odor Away

A lot of people pay little attention to water. However, this fluid is very important in the elimination of waste products and toxins from the body. If you are suffering from body odor, it would be best to drink plenty of water so that the odor-causing toxins could be diluted inside your body. In order to make the deodorizing power of water more potent, you can add lemon juice to your glass of water. Lemon is also one of nature's best purifiers and deodorizers.

5. Chlorophyll Is Your Ally

One of the most effective internal deodorizers is chlorophyll, a substance that is popularly recognized as the one responsible for turning the color of plant leaves to green. Taking chlorophyll supplements will help greatly in the purifying and deodorizing of the body. In many hospitals, chlorophyll is actually used to minimize the odor of feces of patients that have their colons removed or have their stools routed in bags. But if you are not keen on taking supplements, you can also get your daily chlorophyll requirements by eating spinach, kale, chard and other green leafy vegetables.

6. Do The Detox

The things that you put inside your mouth can be the underlying reason behind your bad body odor. If you want to get rid of such odor, you need to undergo detoxification to help cleanse your system and eliminate once and for all the wastes and toxins that have been building up inside your intestines. You can do the detox by eating mostly raw foods, such as nuts, vegetables, and fruits, for several days or weeks.

7. Do Some Dry Brushing

One way to stimulate proper blood circulation and get rid of dead skin cells is by regularly dry brushing the skin. Use soft and natural bristles so that brushing your skin will not be painful. This activity is beneficial because it will not only help eliminate dead cells, which can be malodorous, but can also assist in getting rid of toxins on the surface of your skin.

8. Try Some Probiotics

Proliferation of bad bacteria inside your gut is one of the leading causes of bad body odor. These colonies of unfriendly bacteria may have flourished because of the types of food you eat or the lack of good bacteria inside your system. To remedy this problem, you may want to try eating yogurt, which is a good source of friendly microorganisms. You can also take supplements that contain probiotics.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Get Rid of Back Fat : How To Reduce Back Fat

Back fat is unattractive but can be reduced with the help of regular exercise and a proper diet. Reducing fat in the back alone, also known as spot reduction, is not possible. The body reduces fat in layers, so in order to lose fat from the back, you will have to lower your all-over body fat. Starvation diets to lose fat only backfire resulting in more weight gain.

1. Hide your back fat for now. That super-tight spandex shirt might not be your best option. Instead, choose looser-fitting knits that won't cling to every inch of your flesh. Make sure that your bra is not too tight, either; otherwise, you'll get even bigger bulges around the straps. You could also try wearing a camisole, undershirt or even a sports bra (over your regular bra) as a buffer - something between your back and your clothes.

2. The worst thing you can do is try to do too much too soon.Lose weight gradually instead of quickly to reduce your chance of gaining the weight back. Lower your calorie intake by 500 to 1,000 calories to start losing up to two lbs. per week.

3. Avoid unhealthy, processed foods that will make you gain or hold onto weight instead of getting rid of it. Stay away from sugar, fried foods, saturated fats and simple carbohydrates. Avoid nighttime snacking, and most importantly eat regularly. Skipping breakfast could set you up for a binge-fest later on.

4. Get regular physical activity. Build up your cardiovascular exercise routine to 45 minutes per day, for three days a week. Run or walk in place, ride a stationary bike or use the elliptical machine or stair-climber if you have one at home. Swimming and kickboxing are excellent ways to burn calories and tone your back.

5. Perform compound exercises such as push ups, lunges, squats, dead-lifts and bench dips to support your cardiovascular efforts in burning fat.Target your back fat with yoga or pilates; these body-toning workouts will help you get rid of back fat, plus they'll help relieve any stress you may have - especially yoga.

6. Tone and tighten the back with back exercises. Back exercises don't burn fat, but will help toned muscles to show through once you body fat has been reduced.Perform dumbbell rows, lying dumbbell rows and push ups. Include exercises, such as the plank and crunches, to tone the abdominal.

7. Wear body shaping underwear and garments to instantly get rid of back fat and to shape your upper body. Body shapers are available for both men and women.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Get Rid of Fat Over the Eyes : Causes, Prevention and Treatment

The eyes may appear to have fat deposits over them for several reasons. One of these reasons is that you do, in fact, have fatty globules that have accumulated over your eyes due to genetics or excessive weight gain. Unfortunately, these deposits are not usually affected by weight loss, so cosmetic surgery is one of the few remedies for your eyes. There are also other reasons for the appearance of fat over the eyes that have to do with daily activities and lifestyle.

1. Treat any nasal congestion. If you have trouble breathing at night, the cells around your eyes may become swollen. Often you can resolve this simply by sleeping propped up on two or more pillows; but sometimes antihistamines are necessary to combat allergies.

2. Relieve irritation in the eye area. Compulsively rubbing the eyes or using old makeup that may contain bacteria can cause your eyes to become chronically infected and swollen. Bacteria can actually live under your upper eyelid and cause it to appear fat. Throw out any makeup older than 3 months and relieve your eyes by gently rinsing them with clear water; then treat them with a cold compress for 15 minutes each day. As you remove the sources of irritation, the fat area over your eyes should go down. If it does not, then consult your doctor to see if you have a bacterial infection that needs to be treated with prescription medicine.

3. Tighten up your skin. Use an anti-aging cream with firming agents like vitamins C and A to help the skin over your eyes retain its youthful firmness and stop sagging. You can also take supplements for vitamins A, C and E to help your skin produce more collagen and retain more moisture for a fuller, smoother look. Work with a dermatologist when selecting vitamin A and C products since these can interact with other medicines and sunlight.

4. Avoid carbs and sodium. Believe it or not, simple water retention may be at the heart of your upper eye fat issue. High-carbohydrate, high-sodium foods cause your body to retain water and can cause serious facial swelling that gives some eyes the appearance of having fat deposits over them.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Foods That Make Your Breasts Bigger : Boost Your Breasts Naturally

As time goes on, breasts begin to sag; they lose their firmness and their shape; they �deflate�. Some women may be willing to undergo surgery to correct this sign of aging, but several either do not have the monetary funds to do so or are not brave enough to do it.

You do not have to live with a flat chest forever, even if you do hate the idea of surgery. There is some evidence that certain foods will actually boost your breasts naturally over time.

Soy Products

It is said that soy-related products that contain the soy protein will help increase your bust size. Soy does have a natural plant-form of estrogen in it, which will help stimulate breast growth.

Some sources of soy include:

Edamame beans (soy beans)
Garden �veggie� burgers (with soy) and other meat-replacement foods
Soy milk
Soy fortified products

Yeast Products

Some women have claimed that adding more yeast to their diet also added more to their breasts. Though it is not entirely known how yeast may cause breast growth, it is suspected that the yeast stimulates tissue growth and some water retention that will enhance your bust as a result. Some foods that contain yeast include:


Dairy Products

Dairy products work in numerous ways to help increase your breast size. One is that eating a lot of dairy products will add more weight to your overall body, which in turn can potentially increase your breast size. Low fat dairy products have been shown to slim your waist, which can make your natural breasts how they are now appear larger as a result. Lastly, dairy products often still contain growth hormones that were injected into the cow. When passed on to humans, these hormones can have a similar effect.

Some dairy products to consider consuming to add more inches to your bust include:



That�s right, some women swear by staying hydrated to keep their breasts full and perky. Keeping your body hydrated will undoubtedly keep your cells healthy and keep your entire body more youthful overall. Be sure to get your 8 to 10 glasses of water a day; it�s your key to eternal youth and beauty!

Before considering any drastic change to your diet, such as adding or increasing dairy or soy protein foods to your meals, it is important to discuss your weight and body image goals with a professional practitioner.

Gluten-Free January Survey Data, Part II: Health Effects of a Gluten-Free Diet

GFJ participants chose between three diet styles: a simple gluten-free diet; a "paleo light" diet diet that eliminated sugar and industrial seed (vegetable) oils in addition to gluten; and a "paleo full monty" diet that only included categories of food that would have been available to our pre-agricultural ancestors. The data in this post represent the simple gluten-free diet group, and do not represent the other two, which I'll analyze separately.

To get the data I'll be presenting below, first I excluded participants who stated on the survey that they did not adhere to the diet. Next, I excluded participants who were gluten-free before January, because they would presumably not have experienced a change from continuing to avoid gluten. That left us with 53 participants.

For each of these graphs, the vertical axis represents the number of participants in each category. They won't necessarily add up to 53, for several reasons. The most common reason is that for the questions asking about changes in health conditions, I didn't include responses from people who didn't have the condition in question at baseline because there was nothing to change.

Question #1: What is your overall opinion of the effect of gluten free January on you?

Participants had a very positive experience with the gluten-free diet. Not one person reported a negative overall experience.

Question #2: Did you note a weight change at the end of gluten free January?

And here are the data for people who described themselves as overweight at baseline:

Two-thirds of people who were overweight at baseline lost weight, and only one person out of 37 gained weight. That is striking. A number of people didn't weigh themselves, which is why the numbers only add up to 37.

Question #3: Before January 2011, did you have a problem with intestinal transit (frequent constipation or diarrhea)? If so, did your symptoms change during the month of January?

Responses are heavily weighted toward improvement, although there were a few instances where transit worsened. Transit problems are one of the most common manifestations of gluten sensitivity.

Question #4: Before January 2011, did you have frequent digestive discomfort (pain, bloating, etc.)? If so, did your symptoms change during the month of January?

Digestive discomfort was common, and the gluten-free diet improved it in nearly everyone who had it at baseline. I find this really impressive.

Question #5: Before January 2011, did you have acid reflux? If so, did your symptoms change during the month of January?

Acid reflux responded well to a gluten-free diet.

Question #6: Before January 2011, did you have a problem with tiredness/lethargy? If so, did your symptoms change during the month of January?
Lethargy was common and generally improved in people who avoided gluten. This doesn't surprise me at all. The recent controlled gluten study in irritable bowel syndrome patients found that lethargy was the most reliable consequence of eating gluten that they measured (1, 2). That has also been my personal experience.

Question #7: Before January 2011, did you have a problem with anxiety? If so, did your symptoms change during the month of January?

Anxiety tended to improve in most participants who started with it.

Question #8: Before January 2011, did you have a problem with an autoimmune or inflammatory condition? If so, did your symptoms change during the month of January?

Autoimmune and inflammatory conditions tended to improve in the gluten-free group, although one person experienced a worsening of symptoms.

Question #9: If you ate gluten again or did a gluten challenge after gluten free January, what was the effect?

Just under half of participants experienced moderate or significant negative symptoms when they re-introduced gluten at the end of the month. Two people felt better after re-introducing gluten.


I find these results striking. Participants overwhelmingly improved in every health category we measured. Although the data may have been somewhat biased due to the 53% response rate, it's indisputable that a large number of participants, probably the majority, benefited from avoiding gluten for a month. At some point, we're going to compile some of the comments people left in the survey, which were overwhelmingly positive. Here's a typical comment in response to the question " In your own words, how would you describe your January 2011 experience" (used with permission):
Amazing! I would recommend the experiment to anyone. I felt completely more alert, and less bloated. When I ate some gluten at the close of the experiment, I felt gross, bloated, and lethargic.
I think it's worth mentioning that some participants also eliminated other starches, particularly refined starches. Judging by the comments, the diet was probably lower in carbohydrate for a number of participants. We may try to assess that next year.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Hip Fat : How To Get Rid of Hip Fat, Toning and Reducing Hip Fat

The accumulation of excess weight around the hip area is a common problem for many men and women.And it is a known fact that women carry more fat around the hips than men; but this discrepancy seems to be disappearing more and more with our indiscriminately sedentary life style. While toning this area and reducing hip fat is difficult, it is not impossible.

Your main objective here is to lose weight and tone your trouble area with targeted exercises. This will give your hips a leaner, more defined look. You will need a couple tools to do your exercises.

1. Reduce your calories to reduce your pounds.Your diet should contain plenty of fresh fruits (except banana) and vegetables as they contain lot of vitamins, minerals and fiber which are essential for weight loss. Also drink 8-10 glasses of water daily.

2. Avoid using elevator as it is better to climb stairs if you want to lose fat from your hip and thighs.

3. Run sideways up hills to burn fat and tone your hips. Start with a light five-minute warm-up jog, then come the bottom of a hill that is about 30 yards long. Turn to your left and side step your way to the top. Jog back down, turn to your right and side-step your way back up.

4. Execute a set of side step-ups on a bench. Stand with your right side facing a bench and place your right foot on top of it. Press down to lift your body in the air and lift your left leg. Bend your left knee and hip 90 degrees to get your thigh parallel to the floor and hold for a full second. Lower your foot back down, repeat for a set of 10 to 12 reps and switch sides.

5. Stand with your feet together to do speed skaters. Take a wide step to your right, bend your knee and touch the floor in front of your toes with your left hand. Stand up, bring your feet back together quickly and repeat on the other side. Alternate back and forth for 10 to 12 reps on each side.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Belly Fat : Get Rid of Belly Fat, How To Lose Belly Fat

Belly fat or abdominal fat is the most common type of obesity. It is also known as visceral fat, spare tire or pot belly. This type of obesity is most difficult to lose. Belly fat is equally common in men and women. It not only affects your appearance, but also causes a number of health problems.Major causes of belly fat are genetics, improper digestion, stress, menopause, slow metabolism, lack of exercise and excess eating.

Flat tummies and six pack abs are what everyone desire, but no one seems to know how to get rid of belly fat. Here are some effective ways to lose those belly fat.

1. Lower your calories intake to get rid of belly fat in the most effective way. Losing fat in general, on any area of your body, actually requires you to reduce your calorie intake. If you are eating too much, you won�t lose fat around your belly or anywhere else.

2. Stop drinking beer. Beer has a substantial amount of calories in it. Another reason to stop drinking beer is because of the inflammation it causes in the liver and pancreas, leaving a person bloated. Also make sure you are not drinking an excess of number of other alcoholic drinks as these are often combined with other sugary drinks like soda.

3. Cut down your sugar intake. Refined sugar such as the kind you find in junk food burns far more quickly than natural sugar such as that found in fruit. Sugars are later converted into fat and at least some, if not all, is going to head towards your belly. Use calorie free sugar for sweetening. If you�re going to enjoy sweets, enjoy them right before you use the Stair Master.

4. Along with a reduced calorie diet plan you need to have regular exercise. Daily exercise and walk helps in losing belly fat. Exercise boosts your body metabolism and help burn more calories and stored fats that contribute to your belly fat.

5. To burn fat around the belly area, you need to do abdominal exercises such as sit ups or crunches. You will create strong muscles that at first will be hidden under the belly fat, but when the fat starts to fade away, your toned muscles will show through.

6. Live a healthy life which include proper nutrition, drinking plenty of water daily (8-10 glasses), getting plenty of sleep every night (7-8 hours) and regular exercises.

7. Have snacks even while you are dieting to lose belly fat such as apples and yogurt. This will keep your metabolism running strong.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Armpit Flab : How To Get Rid of Armpit Flab, Exercise To Firm Up Flabby Armpit

Armpit flab is a fatty pocket that creates an unsightly fold at the crease in front of your armpit. Armpit flab can make wearing sleeveless shirts and even bathing suits embarrassing, but how can you get rid of it?Proper diet and targeted exercises are required if you would like to lose this unsightly feature.It may take some time to get rid of all of the jiggle under your flappers, but be patient. With a few months of treating your body right, you should be able to notice a significant difference.

1. Begin by evaluating your diet. Are you getting enough fruits and vegetables? How much fat are you taking in? If you are not eating a balanced, healthy diet, it's time to make some adjustments. Spend some time researching diets that include fat-burning foods.

2. Have frequent meals in small amounts, this will help in eating fewer calories throughout the day. These meals should contain balanced proteins and carbohydrates. This will provide a lot of benefits like increasing the metabolic rate of the body as well as keeping a high energy level.

3. Perform two to three sets of 10 to 12 pushups every other day.To perform a pushup, start by lying on your stomach on a yoga mat or towel. With your legs hip width apart, roll your toes under so that your weight is resting on the balls of your feet. Bring your palms up beneath your shoulders and press your body off the floor, back straight. Your weight should now rest between the palms of your hands and the balls of your feet. Slowly lower your body down, until you are two inches from the ground, bending your elbows in toward your ribcage. Hold this pose for one second before pressing back to starting position. This completes one repetition.

4. Execute two sets of 12 to 15 butterfly presses every other day.To perform one repetition of the butterfly press, lie on your back on a yoga mat or towel with a weight in each hand. Raise your arms up straight so that you are holding the weights directly above your shoulders. Slowly lower your arms down toward the floor, bending at the elbows so that your forearms remain in an upright position. Lower until your upper arms are one inch from the floor and slowly press back up to starting position. This completes one repetition.

5. You need to make sure you are getting at least thirty minutes of cardiovascular exercise, five times every week. Here are a few examples of the types of exercises you can do to burn fat:


Cardio exercises such as these will boost your metabolism and help you reduce your overall body weight, including those flabby arms.

6. Tricep toning with a three to five pound weight at repetitions of 12-15 will help you train the muscles under your arm, eventually toning them so they are smooth and defined, not flabby.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Gluten-Free January Survey Data, Part I: Demographics and Limitations

Thanks to Matt Lentzner for organizing Gluten-Free January, and everyone who participated and completed the survey, we have a nice data set illustrating what happens when a group of people stop eating gluten for a month. Janine Jagger, Matt and I have been busy analyzing the data, and I'm ready to begin sharing our findings.

GFJ had over 500 participants, 527 of which received the survey and 279 of which completed the survey at the end of the month. Of those who received the survey, 53 percent completed it. I think these are respectable numbers for a survey of this nature, and it reflects the conscientious nature of the people who participated in GFJ.


Although respondents were primarily from the United States, I'm happy to say that the data represent 18 different nationalities:

Respondents represented a diversity of ages, the largest group being 30-39 years old, with similar numbers in the 20-29 and 40-49 year groups.
Respondents were just under 2/3 women.

Respondents represented a variety of weights, but the sample was biased toward lean people, in comparison with the general population. There were not many obese participants.
Overall, I was pleased to see that the demographics were quite diverse, particularly in the age and gender categories.


There are a few caveats to keep in mind when interpreting the survey results:
  1. GFJ participants do not represent a random cross-section of the population at large. They represent primarily health-conscious individuals who were motivated enough to make a substantial dietary change. In addition, many of the people who participated probably did so because they already suspected they had a problem with gluten.
  2. The survey response rate was 53%. Although I think that's a reasonable number considering the circumstances, it leaves open the possibility that survey responders differ from non-responders. It's conceivable that participants with better adherence and better outcomes were more likely to complete the survey than those who did not adhere to the diet or had neutral or unfavorable outcomes, despite our efforts to encourage everyone to complete the survey regardless of adherence or outcome. So the results could be biased toward positive outcomes, meaning that we will need to see a strong effect for it to be believable.
  3. This was a non-blinded diet trial without a control group. There's no way to know how much of the effect was due to avoiding gluten per se, how much was due to overall changes in diet patterns, and how much was a placebo effect.
With that in mind, what can we take from the survey data? I feel that we can use it to answer the following question: "what is likely to happen when a motivated, health-conscious person decides to avoid gluten for a month?" And I think we can also use it to generate (but not test) hypotheses about the effects of eating gluten on the general population.

Chin Flab : How To Get Rid of Chin Flab, How To Burn Fat Around The Chin

Chin flab, more commonly known as a "double chin" is an excess amount of fat that presents itself directly below the chin. This excess amount of fat creates the appearance of a second chin. Chin flab often occurs in the elderly as well as people who are overweight or obese. Anyone who has chin flab has a few options for getting rid of it. Applying these methods properly effectively eliminates excess fat around the chin.

1. Perform specific mouth and jaw exercises designed to burn off fat around the chin. One effective chin exercise consists of you standing upright and tilting your head back as far as you can. Once your head is facing the ceiling, start to open and close your mouth as if you are chewing gum. This exercises the jaw and the area around your chin.

2. Exercise daily to burn off calories and fat. Getting plenty of cardiovascular exercise daily helps burn off excess around the chin and anywhere else on the body that is storing stubborn fat. Make a 30 to 60 minute jog or power walk a part of your daily exercise routine.

3. Avoid fatty junk foods. Unhealthy junk foods often contain excessive amounts of calories and fat. This fat can often be stored in places such as the belly, face and thighs. Consider replacing junk food with healthy fruits and vegetables.

4. Chew gum regularly. Chewing gum exercises your mouth and jaw muscles, which then burns fat around the chin and face. When it comes to selecting a chewing gum, choose one without sugar. Sugar equals calories, and calories contribute to stubborn fat.

5. Improve your posture. Poor posture can be directly attributed to having chin flab. Practice good posture by placing a hardcover book on your head and walking 10 to 20 paces back and fourth. Also be sure to avoid slouching when sitting and hunching your back when standing or walking.

6. Beat the bulge on your chin with this exercise. Rest your palm against your forehead and push it for 10 seconds while gently resisting it with your head and neck tightly. Repeat the movement with your hand on the back of your head, followed by each side.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Hourglass Shaped Body : Fashion For Hourglass Shaped Body, How To Dress To Flatter Your Shape

Fashion Tips For Your Body Shape: Hourglass

Learn how to dress to flatter your shape with our fashion guide for people who are 'hourglass' shaped and have a large bust and hips with a narrower waist.

1. The hourglass is the classic voluptuous shape. If you are an hourglass you have a large bust and hips and a narrower waist.

2. Emphasise your natural curves with a wrap dress which will show off your slim waist. If you have straight shoulders, choose A-line dresses and skirts which will balance your shoulder line.

3. Wear fitted jackets and complement your curves with rounded hems, pockets and lapels. Avoid too much detail on top such as large pockets or buttons which will make you look larger.

4. Flared or boot cut trousers will balance the curve of your hips. Trousers should be flat fronted and fastened at the side to minimize the bulk around your hips.

5. Wear tops with gently defined waists and feminine, gathered or fluted sleeves. Show off your cleavage with V-necks, scoop necks or wrap tops. Avoid spaghetti straps or halter-necks if your arms are un-toned.

6. The hourglass shape doesn't need any extra volume so avoid thick, bulky fabrics and too many accessories.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Boyish Shaped Body : Fashion For Boyish Shaped Body, How To Dress To Flatter Your Shape

Fashion Tips For Your Body Shape: Boyish

Learn how to dress to flatter your shape with our fashion guide for people who are 'boyish' shaped with a straight up and down figure.

1. The boyish shape is 'straight up and down', which means you have narrow hips and a small bust. Whether you're tall or short, your bust, waist and hip measurements tend to be quite similar.

2. Create curves with details at the bust and hips such as shirt dresses with breast pockets, or high waist wrap dresses. Wear a belt over dresses or skirts to create shapeliness.

3. Wear jackets with wide lapels and pockets that flare out from the waist to create hips. Jackets with tie belts rather than buttons will also make you look more curvy.

4. Wear boot-cut trousers or wide legged hipsters to add curves. If you're short, wear jeans with high pockets to add shape and elongate your legs.

5. Show off your legs with skinny jeans and long boots. Shoes and boots with heels will give you more of an 'S' shape by arching your back and lifting your bum and bust.

6. If you have toned arms, strapless tops will suit you. If your arms aren't toned, try wearing vest tops over shirts.

7. Tops can be bold in colour, texture and design. Create curves with accessories such as belts, scarves and jewellery.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Flu Season is Here

I've noticed everyone around me getting sick lately (I seem to have become mostly immune to colds and the flu in the last couple of years), so I took a look at Google Flu Trends. Lo and behold, the United States is currently near peak flu incidence for the 2010-2011 season. Here's a graph from Flu Trends. This year's trend is in dark blue:

Flu Trends also has data for individual US states and a number of other countries.

It's time to tighten up your diet and lifestyle if you want to avoid the flu this year. Personally, I feel that eating well, managing stress effectively, and taking 2,000 IU of vitamin D3 per day in winter have helped me avoid colds and the flu.

Apple Shaped Body : Fashion For Apple Shaped Body, How To Dress To Flatter Your Shape

Fashion Tips For Your Body Shape: Apple

Learn how to dress to flatter your shape with our fashion guide for people who are 'apple' shaped and have a round profile.

1. Apples have a round profile, which means they carry weight on their stomach and bust, and tend to have thinner arms and legs.

2. If you are an apple, wear dresses that fall softly from the bust and have a flared hem to balance out your curves.

3. Dresses and skirts should be knee length to show off your legs.

4. Avoid denim jackets or jackets with bulky pockets which will make you look larger. Wear tailored jackets with flare and a simple fastening.

5. Trousers should be wide leg or flared to balance out the width around your centre. Flat-fronted, side-fastening trousers will minimise unnecessary bulk.

6. Your slimmest point is just under the bust so wear tops that are tighter here and skim your stomach.

7. Wedges will show off your slim ankles without making you look top heavy.

8. Wide-necked or wrap tops will show off your decolletage.

9. Draw attention upwards to the neck with accessories such as scarves, brooches or soft, rounded collars.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Pear Shaped Body : Fashion For Pear Shaped Body,How To Dress To Flatter Your Shape

Fashion Advice For Your Body Shape: Pear

Learn how to dress to flatter your shape with our fashion guide for people who are 'pear' shaped and have a larger bottom half than top half.

1. Pears have a larger bottom half than top half. If you are a pear you probably have wide hips, narrower shoulders and a small bust.

2. Pears should wear clothes that minimize hips and draw attention upwards.

3. Dresses and skirts should be A-line or flared at the hem with a side zip to minimize bulk around the hips.

4. Jackets should stop at or above your hips. If it is double breasted or has a detailed collar, it will balance out your silhouette and draw the eye upwards.

5. Reduce the appearance of your hips with dark trousers that flare below the knee. Wear flat-fronted, side-fastening trousers and avoid pleats, pockets or seams on the hips which will add to your bulk.

6. If you have chunky legs, wear boots to cover your calves, or platforms to elongate and slim your legs.

7. Broaden the appearance of your shoulders by wearing tops with boat necklines, ballet necklines, or wide lapels. Tops with capped sleeves or three-quarter length sleeves will also balance out your profile. Add interest to your neckline with scarves and accessories. Tops in bright colours, patterns and textures will also draw attention upwards.